The AT28C16-15DC is a 16K (2K x 8) electrically erasable programmable read-only memory (EEPROM) integrated circuit. It operates on a single 5V power supply and offers fast access time with a maximum of 150ns. The AT28C16-15DC features a byte-wide or word-wide data configuration, making it suitable for a wide range of applications including microprocessor systems, digital signal processing, and data storage. With its electrically erasable and reprogrammable functionality, the AT28C16-15DC provides a versatile and cost-effective solution for storing and retrieving data in electronic systems. Its low-power consumption and high reliability make it an ideal choice for battery-powered devices and critical applications where data integrity is paramount. The AT28C16-15DC is available in a 24-pin DIP package, making it easy to integrate into existing circuit designs. Overall, with its reliability, performance, and versatility, the AT28C16-15DC is an ideal choice for EEPROM applications in various electronic systems.